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  • 開始時間:2020-07-29 10:00:00
  • 活動地點:騰訊會議
  • 主講人:李永立


Link prediction is a fundamental task in social networks, with the goal of estimating the likelihood of a link between each node pair. It can be applied in many situations, such as friend discovery on social media platforms or co-author recommendations in collaboration networks. Compared to the numerous traditional methods, this paper introduces utility analysis to the link prediction method by considering that individual preferences are the main reason behind the decision to form links, and meanwhile it also focuses on the meeting process that is a latent variable during the process of forming links. Accordingly, the link prediction problem is formulated as a machine learning process with latent variables; therefore, an Expectation–Maximization (EM, for short) algorithm is adopted and further developed to cope with the estimation problem. The performance of the present method is tested both on synthetic networks and on real-world datasets from social media networks and collaboration networks. All of the computational results illustrate that the proposed method yields more satisfying link prediction results than the selected benchmarks, and in particular, logistic regression, as a special case of the proposed method, provides the lower boundary of the likelihood function.


李永立,1985年生,男,教授,博士生導師。目前就職于哈爾濱工業大學經濟與管理學院,曾就職于東北大學工商管理學院。主要研究方向為社會網絡分析、決策理論與方法、數據挖掘與數據分析和金融科技。在以上研究方向,以第一作者或通訊作者在包括 European Journal of Operational Research, Information Processing & Management, IEEE Transitions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Journal of Informetrics, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Omega, Information Technology & People, Management Decision, Scientometrics, Knowledge-based Systems等經濟管理類國際知名期刊發表學術論文30余篇,以及在《管理科學學報》、《系統工程理論與實踐》、《系統工程學報》 等國家自然科學基金委管理學部推薦刊物發表論文10余篇。曾主持國家自然科學基金面上項目和青年項目各一項,中國博士后科學基金特等資助和一等資助各一項等國家級和省部級科研項目。以第一發明人獲得授權發表專利一項,在經濟與管理出版社出版題為《網絡分析視角下的決策模型與決策方法》的專著一本。在大數據分析和金融科技等領域的研究成果曾被南方網,黑龍江日報等媒體報道,并被鳳凰網、一點咨詢、人民日報等多家媒體轉載。曾獲中國系統工程學會優秀博士論文獎、中國決策科學青年科技獎、遼寧省自然科學優秀學術成果一等獎等榮譽。